May - June 1997
Issue # 3

The Round Table

The Official Newsletter for the
Kingdom of Avalon
Ó 1997, Avalon Publishing, Kingdom of Avalon

This issue is out a little early. This is due to the rapidly coming events and news I thought people would want hot off the press instead of reading it months from now. Many thanks for all the support I’ve recently gotten. Your help is much needed and appreciated.

If you have anything to submit, be it questions, comments, character bios, commercials (ads) or quips, please forward them to me by the first of each odd numbered month. (i.e. January = 1, March = 3...) Barring holidays and natural disasters, I hope to have each issue out mid-month.

Also, if anyone would like to submit artwork for the cover of the Round Table, please make the art defined and in black and white. Then I can scan and digitize the art. Pictures should be in .TIF format, 300 DPI.

Please forward all submissions to me personally (if you are hand-writing it, please write clearly), E-mail to: or call me at (330) 869-2174. Text files should be in .TXT or .DOC formats.


Elections were held on April 1, 1997. Here are the results:
Chairman - Steve Miller
Vice Chairman - Terri Kyle
Treasurer - Jerry Spangler
Secretary - Sam Vongratana
Public Relations - Duncan Boggs

Congratulations to the new Council, may you all rule just and wise.


- There have been some additional battle practices outside of regular battle practices on Tuesday nights. Unless you are invited or have made arrangements, if asked to leave these extra practices by the people running it, do so. You, of course have the option of running your own practices. Just remember the proper scheduling has to be done.

- Proficiency Beads - When new beads were purchased last, for various reasons, we had to change some of the representative colors. Here is the current list of beads and what they represent. This does not mean that you lose your proficiency, but rather be aware that there are new colors. This list replaces the one found in the current Handbook.
Black Man-At-Arms
Sparkle Florentine
Black Pearl Axe/Hammer
Brown Flail
Yellow Rapier
Green Quarterstaff
Red Polearm
Purple Javelin
White Archery
Pink Special
Light Blue Grappling
Red/Gold Siege Weapon
Dark Blue Non-Plate
Orange Plate Armor
Gold Heraldry


New members of Avalon are hereby invited to take part in our next project: a pack of ogres, goblins, and orcs! This group will be created by the experience of Jerry, the previous Baron of Dangeld, Cheryl. the woman who created Clan MacGregor, and Grom, the leader of the pack, whose persona is nationally renown for the sheer awsomeness of his ability to make it work.

This type of persona is incredibly fun to role-play, and if you have a little imagination, it is one of the most ingenious. You don’t have to have brains - your character sure won’t! Plus, at feasts, whenever a Goblin is asked to pass the food, everyone knows to duck and find cover.

Anyone who is interested should get in touch with one of the people mentioned. If you don’t know us, just ask someone. We need to get a list of any people who are interested in looking into it! Hurry up or you may not get in!

Star Wars: The Last Hope
(circa just before episode 4)
(The following was written by Alan Hickerson, a co-worker of mine. With his permission, I am sharing this little bit of insight; things that could have happened, but were not actually part of the script. If you enjoy this little snippet, let me know.)

Princess Leia was in love. She was sure of it. The man of her future was none other than Captain Dic Anu. He was taller than her, but not too tall. He had a great laugh, as well as a sense of humor. When ever she closed her eyes she saw his face. As Senator from Alderaan she had been able to get him assigned to the imperial fleet. He was now a decorated captain in the service of the emperor. He was not an officer who used weapons and so did not carry any, although as Marshall of the Alderaanian court he knew how and when to use most weapons, as well as being a skilled unarmed combatant. It was he that had taken Leia to visit Mon Motha and convinced Leia to join the Rebellion.

As she lay on her bunk, she remembered his last words before he left her. "The Death Star is a good promotion. Governor Tarkin signed the Orders himself. It will allow me access to the computers and give the rebellion a new hope.", he had said. Here she was on a rebel scout ship awaiting a signal that should be coming soon or not at all. If she was caught she would either have to give up the crew as kidnappers (which they had already discussed) or face treason and expulsion from the Senate. The rebel crew had all voted and would hold her to ransom if the imperial forces arrived. Other faces she thought of as she lay there. Her father and mother, the Emperor, Mon Motha, Governor Tarkin, then she shuddered as she thought of Dic in one of Tarkin’s cells and the torture he might endure, shuddered to the point where tears streamed from her eyes.

At the com station a few hours later, Captain Anu, crouched over the unconscious body of the Com Officer. He booted up the transmitter and placed the computer program in the send mode. He hoped that he had not hurt the Com Officer and could get away before he woke up. As the transmission ended, he opened the channel to the rebel cruiser and spoke with Leia. "Hi Princess, I love you...". Just then the door to the com center opened and Darth Vader stepped inside. "Goodbye, Dic", Vader said. Leia heard the snap of Vader’s lightsaber and Dic’s scream as the lightsaber bisected his body. "Trooper, take his better halves and throw them in the garbage. Let’s see, Alderaanian royal code, that would be Organa, Hello King Bael.", Vader said softly. Leia shut down the com link, and turned to the rebel captain. "We can’t go back.", she said, "We are the last hope for the rebellion. Let me think, hmm.. Captain set course for Tattoonie, we are already too late."


Starting Jan. 7, 1997, battle practices will resume every Tuesday nights from 7:00 p.m. to ??? meet in the Rock Room (Memorial, 2nd floor), the JAR Arena or the field across from the Gardner Student Center.

BATTLES - 4/13, 4/27 5/11, 5/25, 6/8, 6/22
Battle in Ellet, in Hyre Park. The park is across from Acme, on Woodridge and starts at noon.

5/6, 6/3
Monthly Business Meetings

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