Kingdom of Avalon:
Rules of the Game

Rules for Avalon

These rules are for Avalon only!

Remember, we are here to have fun! We are not here to kill other people.

Common sense comes before any rule, please remember this!

If something looks unsafe, DON'T try it!

1.HERALDS: The Herald's word is LAW!!!

The Herald is the Referee in Dagorhir, he/she will not be fighting. These men and women controll the battles, they will call a them, assgin teams, and enforce the rules durning these battles. What they say is LAW. NEVER ARGUE with a HERALD! These people can force you to take limbs or even death when your not even hit!

2.WEAPONS CHECKS: Safety is of the utmost importance!

All weapons are checked at Battles, any new weapon is alway checked before it is on the field. The weapons are checked by the Armsmasters. The Armsmaster can fail a weapon for any unknown reason, at anytime! Don't get upset when your weapon is pulled from combat!


At any point durning a Dagorhir battle, the word HOLD! is yelled by anyone, do the following.
STOP! what your doing,
STAY! where you are,
DROP! to 1(one) knee,
PUT! your weapon over your head, and
WAIT! until some calls "Lay on" or "Continue"


You are allowed to hit anywhere on a person EXCEPT the HEAD and NECK. Groin and Brest shots are prefectly legal, but don't expect to be friends with that person again. Never hit with the flat of a weapon (the flat is the side of a weapon that has little padding or somesort of tape on the cover). Hitting them with the flat doesn't make them lose a limb.


There are 5 types of classification for weapons. They are represented by colors. There is Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, and White.

Blue: a one-handed slash with a sword is a blue.
Red: a two-handed slash with a sword 3' or longer is a red.
Green: a one-handed thrust with a sword is a green.
Yellow: a two-handed thrust with a sword is a yellow.
White: any hand thrown object is a white.

The different colors do different damage to different parts of the body.

Blue: Will remove one limb or kill someone if they're hit in the torso.
Red: Same as Blue.
Green: Takes away uses of a limb or kills someone if they're hit in the torso.
Yellow: Same as Green.
White: No damage unless it is to the *head* (this is the one exception to the rules).

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