In the center of town is an, otherwise, non-discript building. Though there is a fair amount of traffic in and out of the building. A sign boasts a golden bird of flame reaching for the sky. This is the


You walk through the door into the common room. Like it's namesake, it is well lit. It is a place to rest and partake of feasting, flirting and fun. Though if you look carefully, you might find some shadows lurking around. It is a place to relax, but it is also a place of business. If you look hard enough you might find that which you seek...

Behind the bar you are greeted (if you can call it that) by the unkempt form of the foul mouthed bartender. A smoking cigarette wags at you as Jobu the Less-Than-Sobber snaps at you in a bad french accent...


********** OUT OF GAME **********

As you probably know by now, I have tried to pattern the characters you find thoughout the Dagorhir, Kingdom of Avalon, after real people. If you would like to volunteer as a barkeep or serving wench, or even the dark shadow in the corner (I'd like a character to represent the black market/underworld here) please let me know. Give me some ideas as to how you want "your" character to be represented. I'd like to include period recipes or instructions here. Also remember a tavern is more than a common room...

Now back to our show...

Define PERSONA for me

Talk to Eldarin
Kingdom Rumors (in game for the most part)
Last updated: 4/27/98

Common Room
Dagorhir On-line. Enter a chat room that is connected with other Kingdoms. Must have a JAVA enabled browser to use.

Map to Battle Practice at the University of Akron

Map to Hyre Park

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