Trains & Models

This page is dedicated to all my modeling and train projects. In trains, I favor HO and O scale steam engines. I remember when I was a kid, my dad and I set up an HO set in the basement. After a few years, I found other interests and fell away from model trains. Decades later, I got interested in trains again and started a set for the Christmas tree, and have been re-hooked ever since.

My modeling interests started with the little lead figures used for Dungeons & Dragons. I've been playing on and off since around 1979 or so. In the late 90's, I discovered Warhammer, Fantasy, Necromunda and 40K. As it turns out, Warhammer models are almost the same scale as O guage train scale.

With so many figures, many of the models are white with primer. I generally line up a number of figures to be painted and go down the line one color at a time. Which is why some of the figures are basic white, while others are partially painted and others are finished.

This is a shot of my work area. After the figures have been primed, they wait here to be painted. Scattered on the cardboard palette/work area are figures from Wahammer Fantasy, Warhammer Quest, Warhammer 40k, Battlefleet Gothic and the Yamato from Starblazers. On the right .

Partial view of my train set populated by Warhammer figures in combat. Dragon rider and Ariel keep watch as the elven army fend off the dark horde.

Trynids vs Space Marines.

Another Games Workshop game called Battlefleet Gothic. The moons are painted styrofoam balls on clear "flying" stands. Off to the left is a Blackstone Fortress being defended by Imperial Cruisers. Attacking from the right are the forces of Chaos - a Chaos Battleship escorted by Heavy and Light Cruisers.