HOMEPAGE About me Friends & Family Humor & Fiction Referances & Resources

About Me
Trains and Models
Warhammer 40k
On Stage Magic
Friends & Family
Noah James
Jordan Taylor
Fun @ work
Humor & Fiction
Technical Jokes
Useless Information
Referances & Resources
Technical Advice
Welcome to my world. I'm a "Jack of All Trades, Master of Some". Please enjoy your stay and let me know if there is anything I can help you with. I am Sam, Sam I am. However, I do like green eggs and ham. I will be your host and guide through my world as long as you'll have me. Hope you enjoy your stay. While I can be off my rocker at times, it is my wish that you take away something with you, whether it be some useful or useless knowledge, a chuckle or gaffaw.

This webpage was started on a whim in December 1997 and has gone though a few incarnations since then. Like many of my interests, it's been an ongoing experiment that sometimes gets out of hand.

July 19, 2001 - I'm happy to annouce another birth. Molly Reese is the new addition to my sister's household.
4/20/2001 - It's been quite a while since I worked on my webpage. If you are looking for something and can't find it or want to report a problem, just e-mail me. I'm sure I've got what you are looking for somewhere...
Febuary 25, 2001 - I am proud to announce a new member to my family, Noah James. To find out more about him click on his name.
December 2000 - My brother-in-law, Dan and his wife Beth had a little baby boy, Garrett Kreeger.
May 29, 1998 - My sister had a little baby girl by the name of Jordan Taylor. To find out more about her click on her name.
If you have any questions, comments or critisim, please e-mail me. Many thanks for visiting.


May your journey be pleasent and wine sweet.

This page is maintained by Sam Vongratana 
and was last updated: 11/14/01.