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Noah James


Sex: Male

DOB: Febuary 25, 2001 at 6:25 AM

At Birth
5 lbs 14 oz.
At 4 weeks
8 lbs 10 oz.
At 8 weeks
At 4 months
14 lbs
At 6 months
16 lbs 12 oz.

Noah's Diary

2/25/01 There was a bright light at the end of a tunnel. Wonder where this tunnel goes?...

2/26/01 Still tired from the move. Who are all these funny looking people?

4/18/01 Started going to school today. And I was good about it too!

6/14/01 Hmm.. Let's see... If I squirm just right, I can get my feet through the bars of my crib...and... knock my socks off! (Noah doesn't like socks or shoes on his feet. He's alwasy trying to kick them off.)

6/25/01 Latly when we go into a building that's all white inside, I play for a little while then they stick me! I'm not liking this one bit. (Shots)

6/26/01 Whee! It's swim day and I'm first in the pool. I think I'll leave a present for the next kid... (Noah throws up in the pool just as they get it filled. It's a little wading pool that they fill with warm water walked over from the kitchen. The pool had to be emptied and refilled for the next kid who had a case of diarihia.)

11/25/01 I learned how to hide from Mommy & Daddy today. (Noah figured out that he can hide by pulling a blanket up. The cute thing about this is that he doesn't realize that the top of his head is still visable.)

12/01/01 Now I can run from Mommy and Daddy too! (He's found the forward shift to crawling today. 2-3 days ago he could only crawl in reverse.)

12/10/01 Party's over! Noah is on the loose! (We had to put up the gates today. Noah followed Mommy from our sunken living room into the kitchen. Also looks like his third tooth is coming in.)

3/3/01 I was born small, but I'm gonna be a big hit!
5/26/01 Another "hands" picture for perspective. Growing like a weed.

3/8/01 Oh, I'm too sexy for my diaper...

3/11/01 The "oo" look. One of the faces I make that mom and dad like.

4/4/01 Me and mom
Stareing contest

4/15/01 - Easter 2001
with Grandpa Harcar

4/22/01 - At my Christing Party with Uncle/Godfather Dan and Cousin Jordan

7/8/01 - Noah poses for some photos.

7/22/01 - Noah enjoys his first real swim.

7/22/01 - Noah's 2nd feeding of baby food. He took the spoon from mom and started feeding himself!

9/16/01 - Noah discovers running water during a bath.

