This page is dedicated to the game of PAINTBALL. I started playing the game in the mid 80s as a part of ROTC teamwork exercise. When I left Cincinnati, Ohio, where I was going to college, I stopped playing. In the late 90's, I got hooked again and started playing on a semi regular basis.

A pair of Tippman Model 98s. The one on the right is a typical, out of the box, paintball marker. (We don't call them guns!) This is my "pistol" setup. I use a short barrel with smaller (4 or 9oz) CO2 canister with this one. It's lighter and quicker than my "rifle" setup that I'll discuss below. I usually use this one in Speedball or for short games.

The marker on the right is my "rifle" setup and has been modified with some after market parts. An expansion chamber replaces the forward grip and a scope was added for long distance accuracy and for scouting purposes. I usually use a longer barrel with a larger tank on the back for long play and to counter balance the longer barrel.

These are my small collection of barrels. These range in material and length. (8" to 16")

Starting with the bottom barrel:
8" Standard steel barrel from the factory. I have another one that exactly the same barrel, but it's been tapped and nickel coated on the inside. The nickel coating provides a slicker surface to slide over than polished steel. I get slightly better accuracy and distance over the standard steel one.

Next up is the 12" Lapco Big Shot. This one is my favorite for all weather, all play. Not too heavy, good accuracy and range.

The 14" stainless steel barrel was produced by Boa. The interior is pollished steel with rifling vent holes to give the paintball a slight spin for accuracy. If you don't mind the extra wieght, it's worth it. This particular barrel on my rifle setup tends to hook to the right at extreme range. At short and mid range it's a pretty straight shooter though.

Finally there is my 16" Steel/Ceramic Dye Boomstick barrel. Real nice for those long sniper shots. I hit a target in the jimmy (sorry) at about 75" using my scope through a 6" round hole of a barracade with a single shot once. Luck or skill, the shot was made.

My overall favorite is the 12" Lapco Bigshot. It's realativly the most inexpensive barrel for the performance. While the Dye Boomstick has the longer range and accuracy, it's a pricey buy.