Technical Manual

These are message sent to me or articles I found that are related to the technical field. Most of the information, contained herein, are related to computer related problems. Hope they help. If you have any information you'd like to pass out please send me a copy. If you have a unusual problem with your computer E-mail me and I would be glad to try and help.


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Buying a new computer? Here's what to look for! Buying a new computer is like buying a new car. You want to test drive it, get advice from people and you usually get what you pay for.

"DOS Compatability Problem" with Windows 95 The "DOS Compatability Problem" sometimes occures just after you use Windows' "Detect New Hardware" option in Control Panels. After detecting the primary hard drive, a message appears and asks if you want to reboot the system. DON'T REBOOT!!! If you reboot, the system skips over checking for your secondary controller, thus causing a DOS Compatability problem.

I have a new video card and a x2 CD-Drive. Why do my certain programs keep crashing? The software/drivers required for running 2x or sometimes 4x CD Drives conflct with modern drivers and OSs.

My computer is on for a while and intermitantly locks-up.

There's a high pitched squeek coming from the back of my computer. Any grinding or squeeking from the back of your computer is likely to be the fan in the Power Supply. Get it cleaned or replaced as soon as possible.

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