A lone tower stands away from the other buildings in town. As you approach, the hair on the back of your neck starts to rise. There is a wrongness about this place, as if the lifeforce has been drained from the area.

Yet, you are drawn by curiousity and continue forward. Checking the single wooden door, it opens and allows passage into a dimmly lit foyer.

You enter

Mage's Tower

Home to the Spellcrafter's Guild

Hail, my wandering friend!

You turn as a shadow begins to solidify into the form of Eldarin.

He waves you to follow into the next room which are lined wall to wall with dusty tomes and scrolls. "Herein lie knowledge dealing with the arcane. This is where the Spellcrafter's Guild once held council. Sadly, there is little of it in the recent years. Once apon a time, magic permiated the land. A short time ago, much of that energy we call magic left the realm for places unknown. For years, mages tried to regain their powers, but to no avail. Most of the mages gave up their quest after a few years and had to find another way of life to sustain themselves. The tomes that line these walls are what is left of that knowledge.

Unlike the Timeless Tales (Sage's Library), this building specificly houses knowledge of the arcane: the creatures that roam this realm, magic spells that once were, and some magic related history. If you want history or other offical documentation, visit the Sage's Library.

May you find what you seek."

Eldarin takes one more sad look around before leaving you alone among the dusty volumes.

(Please note that the Spellcrafter's Guild is NOT formally a part of the Dagorhir system and is not formally recognized by Dagorhir National. Guild members may also be members of Dagorhir, just as many Dagorhir members are also members of the SCA. Any information similar in the Spellcrafter's Guild and the Dagorhir system are coincidental.)


Tome of Creatures
History of Blackmore
Tome of Forgotten Spells
New Tome of Spells


Leave the Mage's Tower:

The Ferry (Links to other sites)
